Can you help me?

Food Down Under needs your help to continue...

Why does Food Down Under need my support?

Food Down Under is a privately run, non-commercial site set up by a single individual with a genuine love of food and recipes. As the site's popularity grows, so do the operating costs. I have to keep upgrading our systems and are constantly requiring more bandwidth. The only source of income is from donations. If you enjoy FoodDownUnder and you'd like to see it stick around, you can help by supporting.

How much should I donate?

That is totally up to you. Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated. Donate what you can afford, and no more.

How do I make a donation?

PAYPAL The preferred method for making a donation is via Paypal. You can also use your credit card with Paypal. It's easy, fast, and secure

Fooddownunder is a one-man-band, I pay for it and set it up with no outside assistance, which is quite a job in itself as you can imagine. But the costs involved are too great for me to cover alone and the time has come to rattle the tin can for donations.

If you can help, click the Paypal Logo.

Thanks for your support.

$4.00 US keeps this site running for about 1 day

100% of donations will be spent on maintaining and improving this website to provide the best free source of recipes on the net.

Note: I want to keep this site FREE OF ADVERTISING.

[email protected]

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